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June Mini Medi-Spa Day

Mini Medi-Spa Day at the Clinton Rose Senior Center

Join Dr. Mirian Boyd Organ from 10am-1pm. Don’t let the cold weather stiffen your joints in your hands and feet. You can sign up for Gentle Warm Massages that bring bliss and make you feel relief and well inside! Open to Women and Men. Please preregister TODAY to reserve your treatment.

Choose your treatment:

  1. Hand Therapy: Arms, Elbows, Wrists, Hands, and Fingers: $25
  2. Feet Therapy: Legs, Kness, Ankles, Feet, and Toes: $35
  3. Back Therapy: Head, Neck, Shoulder, and Back: $50

You must pre-register with Cash Payments Only. Non-refundable.

Dr. Mirian Boyd Organ’s Women Day Spa is located at 5215 N. Ironwood Rd, Suite 108, Glendale

414-394-4281 | Women | Dr. Mirian Boyd Organ’s Women’s Day Spa (


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