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Whitefish Bay Traditional Farmers Market

The Whitefish Bay Farmers’ Market returns Saturdays on the corner of Silver Spring at Santa Monica, 325 E. Silver Spring Drive in the Aurora Parking lot. It is an open-air market with various vendors who sell fresh and organic produce, meats, breads, flowers, honey, vegan, gluten-free, sweets, coffee, eggs, and more!  For more information visit:

Traditional Market
Saturdays, June 15 – Oct 26
9 am- 1 pm
*Closed July 6 and Aug 31*

“We have the freshest flowers, produce, meats, eggs and cheese in addition to baked goods, crafts, jewelry, spa products and apparel. In June, the early market brings a variety of blooms, seedlings, starts and good food. We close July 6th, but artists and local businesses join the market when we reopen on July 13th. Fall brings apples, pears, hearty produce, and late blooming flowers. Delight in seasonal pies, savory bakes, and even cozy clothes. We have hot food, entertainment, and great deals at every market!”

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